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Music and Band


Grades 5th – 12th

The instrumental music program begins in Grade 5 and continues through Grade 12. Playing a musical instrument integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performing and experiencing music through performance experiences. Areas of focus include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and awareness of various forms and styles of music.

We believe God has given the gift of music to humanity for the purpose of giving Him praise and glory. Every student should have the opportunity to create and respond to all types, styles, and periods of music, and to develop skills in singing, playing, composing, listening to, and interpreting music.


Elementary and Middle School Music

K-8th grade music classes at GMS present the fundamentals of vocal and instrumental music with activities and true stories. The curriculum used broadens the students’ acquaintance with the pleasant and powerful world of music. The fundamentals of vocal and instrumental music are presented with activities and interesting historical anecdotes. A variety of activities in the work text provide practice in listening to, playing, composing, and reading music. 


Stay up to date with all music and band events by checking the school calendar


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