Update #1 (3/16/20): GMS Coronavirus Covid 19 Closure
In accordance with the directive of Delaware Governor John Carney on Friday, March 13, 2020, GMS is closed until at least Friday, March 27.
We have also suspended or cancelled all events at the school until further notice. The Spring sports season is officially on hold, as is the Spring drama production, Nothing But the Truth. A more final decision will be made about these events and activities at a later date.
Beginning on Monday, March 23, all academics will be conducted online. For Monday, March 16 through Thursday, March 19, we are using our unused snow days for students. Teachers are using these days to prepare content for each level from Pre-K to Grade 12.
We are excited and thankful that the learning process can continue during this unexpected school closure.
As we approach the 27th, we will continue to monitor directives from the state and the CDC to determine how best to move forward.
Update #2 (3/27/20): GMS Coronavirus Covid 19 Closure
On Monday, March 23 Governor John Carney ordered all Delaware schools to remain closed through at least Friday, May 15 to fight the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
GMS will continue with online instruction that began on Monday, March 23. Our Elementary grades will continue to use Class Dojo while Middle School and High School classes will continue using Google Classroom. For all students, Term 3 ended on March 13 and Term 4 began with distance learning on March 23. Grades for Term 3 were sent to parents on 3/25.
Here are a few further updates:
The final day of school for GMS will be June 3 as planned.
Terra Nova testing has been cancelled for this school year.
All SAT Testing has been cancelled for this spring.
All GMS spring concerts have been cancelled.
Required Service Hours for all high school students have been waived for 2019/2020.
Spring Break will be held as planned from April 10 through 17. No new online material will be presented during that time.
The GMS Spring Golf Outing has been rescheduled for July 18.
As we continue to monitor this situation it is very difficult to make definite plans for other activities, however, based on what we know today, and if we are allowed to resume after May 15, we plan to do the following:
Hold Graduation as planned on May 31.
Have our Jr/Sr Banquet either as planned (5/15) or on a similar date.
Have our 2019/2020 Sports Celebration Night as planned on May 18.
Have our annual Elementary/Middle School Track and Field day sometime between May 18 and June 2 if details can be worked out.
Hold a GMS Shadow Day for interested students on May 26.
Hold the annual GMS Spring Festival and Dirt Dash as planned on June 6.
Please continue to lift up the GMS administration and faculty in prayer as we do our best to fulfill our mission to work with families to educate their children. We are richly blessed and very thankful to God.
Update #3 (4/21/20): GMS Coronavirus Covid 19 Closure
The School Board met last evening and, due to the ongoing stay at home orders in Delaware and the expected gradual reopening of things, decided to cancel most of the events planned for this spring. Here are some updates on upcoming planned events:
GMS Spring Festival - Cancelled
Dirt Dash - Cancelled
Sports Celebration Evening - Cancelled
Spring Drama Production - Cancelled
GMS Invitational Track Meet - Cancelled
Track and Field Day - Cancelled
Graduation is still planned for Sunday, May 31. If we cannot have graduation as normal on that day, we will hold it in some form on
Sunday, June 14.
The Jr./Sr. Banquet is now planned for Saturday, June 13.
Update #4 (5/21/20): GMS Coronavirus Covid 19 Closure
GMS Graduation 2020: Graduation is planned for Sunday, May 31 at 3:00 pm (Rain date, Monday, June 1, 7:00 pm). It will be held on the outdoor stage behind the school. Guests will remain in their cars throughout the ceremony. All are welcome.
Last Day of School: The final day of online learning will be Friday, May 22. All makeup work is due on Friday, May 29.
Pick-up and Return Day: The school will be open and teachers will be in their rooms from 9:00 – 3:00 on Wednesday, June 3. Students should return all textbooks and other borrowed materials to the proper teachers. Middle School and High School students should clean out their lockers and mailboxes and elementary students should visit their classrooms to pick up materials there. Students will also receive a packet containing any awards they received this year. (If this date does not work for a family, other arrangements can be made.)
GMS Delaware State Fair Booth: GMS has decided to not have a booth at the Delaware State Fair this year.
Update #5(8/7/20): GMS CVID 19 Status for 2020/2021
GMS plans to be open for in-person instruction for the 2020/2021 school year. Our first day is August 25, 2020. For more information please contact the school.